Friday, April 5, 2013

Was Waco really a Conspiracy?

Was Waco a part of a government conspiracy or was it just a freak accident?

Was Waco Texas really a conspiracy or was it a freak accident that the FBI caught the building on fire, or was it a mass suicide by the Branch Davidians? Many people today still believe that the government had something to do with the burning down of the building and the killing of eighty something people. There is a lot of evidence pointing toward the fact that the government could have plan it all and that now they are just trying to cover it up by lying to the people. But then again what reasons would the government have to hide to conspiracy if they were not involved. Why would the government burned down the building and kill all of those people and take innocent lives. Also the Branch Davidians would have no reason to kill their own people and to take their own life. The Branch Davidians were different and they did believe different things but they were allowed to believe what they wanted to believe and do what they wanted to do.

Video's of Waco

These are all videos of the Waco Compound and what happened. There is also a video here that talks about how the government could have been involved in a conspiracy.


David Koresh's Song

(David Koresh)
I am Koresh, I am Shiva
I am Buddha, I’ll make you a believer
I am Jesus, I am Mohammed
I am he that is called by "Amen"

I'm Lord, I’m Savior,
There ain't no other sense
To my erratic behavior
I’m love, I am loving
the phoenix rising
the mortal becoming
and I’m going, I am going
yeah, I, I am going

I’m what’s missing, I am the answer
I am the cure to your terminal cancer
I’m of the chosen, I’m the elected
I’m that unseen force that you always suspected

I’m the first cause, the prime mover
the watchmaker, the absolute proof and
I want you, I need you
open your hearts, I will lead you where I’m going
where I am going
where I-I-I-I-I-I-I am going

Lord created all our flesh
maiden, man, and great Koresh
only those who thou abet
shall be with me

Thy men shall fall by the sword
and the mighty in the war
and those who choose to ignore me
better flee from Him
you’d better give praise to Him

If I were a thousand men
then I’d be loving all of them
god’s patience is wearing thin,
so many girls to save

give your all and nothing less
so come to thy God’s caress
with my hand inside your dress
it’s time that you gave yourself to Him
give your life to Him, my love!

[whispered] I am Koresh, I am Shiva
I am Buddha, I’ll make you a believer
I am Jesus, I am Mohammed
I am the unbroken circle, dammit

I am Koresh, I am Shiva
I am Buddha, I’ll make you a believer
I am Jesus, I am Mohammed
(He is Koresh, He is Koresh)
I am the unbroken circle, dammit
(He is Koresh, He is Koresh)

I am Koresh, I am Koresh
(He is Koresh, He is Koresh)
I am Koresh, I am Koresh
(He is Koresh, He is Koresh)

[shouted] I am Koresh! I am Koresh!
(He is Koresh, He is Koresh!)
I am Koresh! I am Koresh!
(He is Koresh! He is Koresh!)
I am Koresh! I am Koresh!
(He is Koresh! He is Koresh!)
I am Koresh! I am Koresh!
(He is Koresh! He is Koresh!)

Video clip

​This is a clip of Koresh's believers and how they dealt with the death of their family members and friends.

Audio Clips from Waco Compound

This is a audio clip of a 911 call that was made during the 51 day stand off. On the tapes you can hear a man talking to the 911 operator, and telling them to get all of the FBI and ATF agents to get away from the compound. You can also hear them saying that they have done nothing wrong. In the other clips there are people speaking of what they believe happened, and how they dealt with the deaths of family members and friends.

Opinions on Waco

I believe that the FBI and ATF started the fire at the Waco compound on purpose. There is no way that they could not have known that they were using tear gas. The FBI  and the ATF are very professional, and they would have every detail planned out very meticulously. They would have known what substances they were using. The FBI and ATF were already attempting to exterminate the Waco compound with gunfire, so it would make complete sense if they wanted to catch the place on fire, and purposely burn the building down to make it easier for them. I believe that they wanted the building to burn down and get rid of everyone involved. And blaming the fire on the branch Davidians made for an easy cover up.
~Connor Locke~

Opinions on Waco

I believe that the FBI and ATF agents unintentionally started the fire at the Waco compound. I believe this because the FBI agents did realize that they were using tear gas, which is very flammable. Most of the research we have done points to the FBI starting the gunfire between the two groups.Even though the FBI and the government have said before that they did not use tear gas but they then later came out and said that they did use tear gas. Even though they started to fire at the building first I do not believe that they meant to start the fire and kill all of those innocent people. Although the FBI did not mean to start the fire they did while they were constantly firing at the warehouse which cause the building to go up in flames. I believe that they honestly did not mean to set the building on fire, but it happened when they used tear gas. 
~Erica Weeks~

The Aftermath of The Waco Compound

The impact on today’s society is that more people are aware of what is going on around the world and what the government is involved in. Right after the Waco Compound happened people instantly started to question the government because they believed that the government had something to do with the burning of the building and the killing of the people. Now with everything that happens around the world today people want to know if the government had something to do with it. When Waco ended President Bill Clinton said that the FBI and ATF agents did not know that tear gas was being used at the compound when the government officials did know that tear gas was being used, and this caused the people to question the government even more. Clinton also said that it was a mass suicide and that the Branch Davidians kill themselves. Many people to this day, still believe that the government had something to do with the burning down of the Waco Compound.   

The cause of The Waco Compound

The Waco Compound after it went up in flames. The cause of the fire is still
unkown to this day. Many people believe that the government had something
to do with the fire, but many people are still not sure about what happened
that day in Waco Texas.

           The cause of the Waco Massacre was on February 28, 1993 the FBI went to the Waco Compound to conduct a search. They wanted to search the compound because they suspected the people living inside to be using illegal guns. After hearing reports that Branch Davidian cult leader, David Koresh, had been abusing children and amassing a store of weapons, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) gathered resources and planned to raid the Branch Davidian compound, known as the Mount Carmel Center located just outside of Waco, Texas. When the FBI went to search, the Davidians responded by gunfire, refusing anyone to come in, and refusing to go out. This led to a 51 day standoff between the Davidians and the FBI and ATF agents which led to the building going up in flames and no one knowing where the fire started, or who started it.

Background Information on The Waco Compound

The Waco Compound before the FBI and the ATF agents
showed up to start the search the compound.  


The 51-day Waco Siege, also known as the Waco Massacre, began on February 28, 1993 and violently ended on April 19. A group of people called the Branch Davidians, which were led by a man named David Koresh (birth name, Vernon Howell) lived in a warehouse in Waco Texas. The FBI and ATF agents became suspicious of the group when a U.P.S. man was delivering a package to the compound and it came open to show a box full of illegal guns. The man reported what he found and the ATF went to the compound to conduct a search. When the FBI and the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) went to search the building, the Davidians refused to exit, or let anyone enter the compound. This resulted in gunfire between the Davidians and the FBI and ATF. After 51 days of a standoff, the building suddenly caught fire and burned down. There were eighty-two deaths, twenty-three of them being children. Two that were unborn died due to the flames, smoke inhalation, and gunfire. David Koresh's followers were not discouraged and they did not mourn. The remaining Davidians argued that the other followers died because their god, David Koresh, wanted it that way.

This is a map of Texas showing how close Waco, Texas is to Dallas
Houston. This also show that tragedy can happen anywhere anytime.

David Koresh was the leader of the group of people called the Branch Davidians. He led his followers to believing that the bible said it was ok to had illegal guns and that he was allowed to have as many wives as he wanted. This resulted in him tearing apart marriages and taking the wife for himself. It was said that he had over 100 wives. David Koresh committed suicide  April 19, 1993.

Our sources of information.