Friday, April 5, 2013

Opinions on Waco

I believe that the FBI and ATF agents unintentionally started the fire at the Waco compound. I believe this because the FBI agents did realize that they were using tear gas, which is very flammable. Most of the research we have done points to the FBI starting the gunfire between the two groups.Even though the FBI and the government have said before that they did not use tear gas but they then later came out and said that they did use tear gas. Even though they started to fire at the building first I do not believe that they meant to start the fire and kill all of those innocent people. Although the FBI did not mean to start the fire they did while they were constantly firing at the warehouse which cause the building to go up in flames. I believe that they honestly did not mean to set the building on fire, but it happened when they used tear gas. 
~Erica Weeks~

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