Friday, April 5, 2013

The cause of The Waco Compound

The Waco Compound after it went up in flames. The cause of the fire is still
unkown to this day. Many people believe that the government had something
to do with the fire, but many people are still not sure about what happened
that day in Waco Texas.

           The cause of the Waco Massacre was on February 28, 1993 the FBI went to the Waco Compound to conduct a search. They wanted to search the compound because they suspected the people living inside to be using illegal guns. After hearing reports that Branch Davidian cult leader, David Koresh, had been abusing children and amassing a store of weapons, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) gathered resources and planned to raid the Branch Davidian compound, known as the Mount Carmel Center located just outside of Waco, Texas. When the FBI went to search, the Davidians responded by gunfire, refusing anyone to come in, and refusing to go out. This led to a 51 day standoff between the Davidians and the FBI and ATF agents which led to the building going up in flames and no one knowing where the fire started, or who started it.

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