Friday, April 5, 2013

The Aftermath of The Waco Compound

The impact on today’s society is that more people are aware of what is going on around the world and what the government is involved in. Right after the Waco Compound happened people instantly started to question the government because they believed that the government had something to do with the burning of the building and the killing of the people. Now with everything that happens around the world today people want to know if the government had something to do with it. When Waco ended President Bill Clinton said that the FBI and ATF agents did not know that tear gas was being used at the compound when the government officials did know that tear gas was being used, and this caused the people to question the government even more. Clinton also said that it was a mass suicide and that the Branch Davidians kill themselves. Many people to this day, still believe that the government had something to do with the burning down of the Waco Compound.   

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